The Top 10 Most Common Camping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Embarking on a camping trip is a bit like setting off on a big adventure into the unknown, where the natural world becomes your living room and the stars, your ceiling. Yet, even the most seasoned explorers can find themselves caught in a web of common camping mistakes that can turn an epic camping trip journey into a nightmare. So, to help your first camping trip go a little smoother, we’ve put together a list of the top 10 most common camping mistakes and tips on how to steer clear of them!

The 10 Most Common Camping Mistakes

1. Not Knowing Your Equipment

This is probably the most common camping mistake. So many beginners are guilty of not knowing how to pitch their new tent or how to work the camping stove they just bought.

Before you even consider camping outdoors, take all your equipment for a test run. The best way of doing that is to camp in the back garden for a night. It’s a great way to practice pitching the tent and using all the camping equipment at least once before you venture into the wilderness.

2. Not Preparing for bad weather

Telling you to check the weather forecast is a bit like reminding you to take the tent: if you aren’t already doing it, there’s a problem!

However, one of the most common camping mistakes that beginners make is relying too much on the weather forecast. I can tell you from personal experience that we’ve been caught out in the rain without waterproof gear because the weather prediction was for clear skies and sunny weather. Remember to always pack at least a thin waterproof jacket.

3. Overpacking or Underpacking

Packing for camping is an art form. Bring too much, and you’ll end up lugging around a back-breaking load. Bring too little, and you might find yourself fashioning a spoon out of a stick. Start with a camping essentials checklist that includes shelter, sleeping gear, appropriate clothing, food, water, and emergency supplies. Then tweak it to fit your needs!

Over time we’ve developed our own camping essentials checklist which is a great place to start.

4. Arriving Late & Setting Up In The Dark

Another extremely common camping mistake is arriving at the campsite late. If you arrive late, you’ll likely be in a rush to get everything set up and maybe even get a fire going before it goes dark.

And, depending on the type of camping you’re taking on, you might eve find that campsites operate on a first come first served basis. So if you get there late you may only be left with the worst camping spots. Not to mention that setting a tent up in the dark really isn’t fun, unless you’ve done it hundreds of times and can practically do it with your eyes closed. It’s not exactly the way you want to be starting your camping adventure!

Instead, plan to arrive early which will give you a much better chance of finding the perfect camping spot and will give you time to familiarise yourself with the campground and its facilities. And maybe even venture out for sunset!

Arriving late is a common camping mistake.

5. Not Knowing How To Start & Use A Fire

It’s not quite camping without a campfire. And yet, so many people set off on a camping trip without knowing how to actually start and safely use a campfire. It’s an essential camping skill that every backpacker and hiker should have in their tool kit, whether its using a fire for warmth or cooking.

6. Forgetting about Drinking Water

Probably one of the most crucial camping mistakes that beginners make is forgetting to take drinking water. If you’re frontcountry camping, you’ll probably have easy access to running water. However, if you’re heading to more remote campsites, you’ll have to remember to take water with you, or at least a water filter to purify any natural water you can find near camp. And don’t forget the extra water for cooking.

7. Cooking Complex Meals

While we’d all love to enjoy an incredible three course meal while camping, trying to cook elaborate dishes over a campfire is just a recipe for disaster. Instead, keep your meals simple. Make sure they are quick and easy to cook and require very few different ingredients. Thing of things like porridge for breakfast or rehydrated pasta for dinner.

8. Using The Wrong Sleeping Bag

When it comes to sleeping in a tent, one of the most common problems beginners face is getting a good night’s sleep. And more often than not, it’s because they use the wrong sleeping bag. 

There are several types of sleeping bag, each with a different design, type of insulation and temperature ratings. You’ll rarely find a “one suits all” type sleeping bag, so finding the right sleeping bag for the climate you’re camping in will make your experience a lot more enjoyable.

9. Ignoring the Leave No Trace Principles

Everyone should be able to enjoy nature in its raw and pristine form. When campers neglect Leave No Trace principles, we start to cause irreparable damage to the location and its surroundings.

Abiding by the Leave No Trace principles ensures that it remains pristine for all future adventurers too. This means packing out what you pack in, being mindful of where you set up camp, and keeping wildlife wild by observing from a distance.

10. Not Trying Wild Camping

For so many campers, the idea of camping in the wilderness is a little daunting, so most avoid wild camping. However, I’d encourage anyone looking for that extra sense of adventure to try other types of camping, and wild camping in particular. In my personal opinion, there’s nothing better enjoying the experience of camping with nobody else around you. You get the whole place to yourself and can really enjoy nature at its best.

And those are the top 10 most common camping mistakes we see beginners making on their first camping adventures. Of course, those are just a few, so be sure to let us know in the comments if you know of any other crucial camping mistakes.

Wolfgang Czermak

Adventure Travel Expert

Wolfgang is an adventure traveller with a passion for hiking, climbing and wilderness camping. The further away from civilisation he is, the happier he’ll be!

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